Wednesday, January 14, 2009

A Cabinet of Rivals, or a Cabinet of Crooks

Its going to be interesting to see if Obama's cabinet will get the same scrutiny as Bush's- but probably not. In fact, it hardly seems to matter most of the time...

Obama: Geithner 'embarrassment' no bar for Cabinet

Revelations that Geithner had failed to pay $34,000 in taxes several years ago derailed Senate Democrats' plans to speed him to approval as treasury secretary by the time Obama is sworn in. Bipartisan backing was still strong, but the delay in his confirmation hearing opened the possibility that opposition could build.
Since when does tax evasion merely qualify as merely an "embarrassment"?

Another Obama Nominee Seems to Run Afoul of Anti-Lobbyist Campaign Rhetoric

President-elect Barack Obama today put forth his second nomination of an individual whose immediate past experience as a lobbyist seems to run in direct contradiction with Mr. Obama's rhetoric on the campaign trail against the "revolving door" of lobbyists working for the government.
It should be noted that Linda Chavez was derailed for far smaller problems than these, and most of Bush's cabinet picks were given harsher and more intense scrutiny...

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